Hitters often lack barrel direction and bat speed, leading to:
Lack of power
Swings and misses
Low confidence
and most programs don't train the skills required to be a great hitter:
Swing speed
Using the ground

We use the right tools to train the skills you need
Hit Trax:
Tracking ball flight and speed, making sure you hit the ball harder and more often
The right drills:
Drills are picked to attack your weakest points. Making your swing more efficient using the ground and your entire body.
Under/Overload Bats:
Train new swing patterns from the heavy bats, creating a better swing. Get bat speed from underload bats to hit the ball harder.
Simulated AB's:
Whether with a pitching machine, working with hitting balls designed to make it harder, or live ABs against a pitcher. Get the game-like reps you need.

leaves you:
With more power:
More swing speed, and swing efficiency means more energy in the ball
With better contact:
More effecient swing leads to the barrel having better direction, and better adjustability
With more confidence:
With more power and more contact, you know you are a better hitter, leading to more belief
Here's how to get better:
1. Sign up for an assessment
Work with one of our hitting instructor and find your lowest hanging fruit
2. Join the program
Get your hitting program and come in twice per week working hand in hand with our instructor
3. Become a better hitter
Get challenged, learn, grow, and become a better hitter

Hitting is the hardest thing in sports
This is because we are trying to predict what pitchers are doing. To over come this, the best hitters hit the ball hard and can adjust to breaking balls. We call this "directional batspeed" at the Yard.
But most hitters do not do this. They lunge, over-rotate, don't have bat speed, and lack barrel direction. This leads to weak ground balls, strikeouts, fly balls, and zero confidence.
The problem begins with the training. Athletes are not training in the skills needed, such as bat speed, direction, and efficient energy transfer. Using tools like different weights, sizes, and length bats, hitting plyos, water bags, and the Hittrax to get measurable output, we can assign drills tailored to the athlete's needs, making him a better hitter.
So, let's make you a better hitter.
Sign up for an assessment, get a video, analyze your swing, and get bat speed and ball flight data. Then let us build a plan for you and help you become a better hitter.